I just spent 1.5 hours on this blog, only to have it mysteriously deleted by trying to maneuver some pics. GRRR.
Okay, so now I'm irked. But I do want to share some of the details of my last couple of weeks. Since coming back from Vegas *sigh*, I feel I could easily use another week off asap.
Food venture of note, I've decided to try and go off the cows milk. Because we are the only species that consumes another species' milk, I guess this isn't good (except for cheese, still LOVE cheese). I am a tea drinker and this is how I start my day, and sometimes end my day- my routine. And I enjoy my tea British style, milk and all. I have removed refined sugar from my tea and moved from honey to Agave, quite successfully. This attempt at trying new 'milk' is actually #4. I have tried: soy milk (yuck & estrogen), vanilla almond milk (just wrong for tea), rice milk (EWW), and now, almond milk unflavoured:
Look what it did to my tea! So sad! Not only does it look wrong, it did not taste good at all, bitter and grainy. Nothing worse than your morning routine tasting like funk (not SATC funk). Enter round two....
MUCH better! Surprisingly all I had to do was shake the crap out of the carton- guess there's some serious settling. But not only did my tea look better, it did taste better. So I shall give the almond milk continued fair chance with my precious morning cuppa. And I can't argue the viatmin benefits.
The saving grace in my morning routine, is my new favourite meal:
Awesome vanilla yogurt by Astro, organic strawberries (so yum!), blanched almonds and cinnamon.
Since I have been working crazy and finally unpacking, dinner "inspiration and motivation" decided to go on vacation. This is when brown rice, steam veg & soy sauce seem like divine dinner fare:
Meh, but not aweful. But also not fab.I did follow up on Friday with a fave dish of mine, brown rice pasta with sauteed veg & feta, just olive oil & garlic for 'seasoning', topped with walnuts:
Now for Buntzen Lake. Over the last month or so I've attempted doggy adoption twice, only to be too late :( I truly am ready for bringing a dog into my life, I really want to give a deserving poochie a great life! I am all about going to the beach, hiking and anything in between for some family bonding time. But for now, I digress. And so, the loooong weekend came, and I decided to check out Buntzen Lake, finally, since I hear so much about it, but really it is quite far from Abby. But WOW! I will absolutely make the trek back here for a more lengthy hike, not alone...
Now since I've been in BC, 9 years almost, I've definitely been in the mountains a number of times. But I was pleasantly surprised to venture into a mystical backwood that I'd not visited. I cannot express the beauty or air that I experienced here. I truly love the natural fragrance of the mountains, and funny that I can recognize the 'notes' from our fragrances. Being in the fragrance industry almost 2 years now, my nose is developing better at juice than wine (cruel irony). I could not get enough of breathing in the mountain air. Seriously I took as many deep nose breathes as I could get ~ without passing out and rolling down a cliff into the lake.
Going to try to upload a video.....
Hmmmmm.....wonder if it actually works....
Anyhooo......Fast forward to this weekend. I was warmly invited to visit a wonderful new friend, Toresa's, yard in Vancouver, as we 'watched' the C'Dar Wolves win their championship - way to go boys! Both my Dallas and Toresa's Fred are on the team, and it was a nice surprise to spend some time with her at the game.
Today I made my way to their place to see their spectacular garden. WOW What great work they have both put into the beautiful landscape of their modest, and super cute property. So lovely! Very pretty flowers, an amazing veg garden, and of course the 'man-pond'. Toresa had graciously offered up some clippings from her Lilac bush/tree (not sure which is the proper term??). And I LOVE lilacs, because I grew up with a huge lilac bush/tree on Egerton Street in London. Great memories, and most of course of my mom.
Toresa, thank you SO MUCH:
They are being lovingly cared for (in a new vase) and thoroughly enjoyed! I will savour the short days ahead ~ I can see them from most every angle of my small condo :) I kinda wish I grabbed more!
So now, off to another week of work, and back to business for the boys:
My broom is set to sweep the BB's!!!
Night all